The Display Category add-on for Nettailer offers enhanced flexibility in product categorization. This guide provides a step-by-step approach to effectively utilising this feature. This add-on allows you to specify an additional display category for products that is different from the category set by the portal. This feature is accessible from both the product editor in the admin and through an Excel import.
Navigation Impact: This feature solely affects the product navigation on the site.
Original Category Association: Products maintain their association with the original category, which remains the primary reference.
Product Range and Limitations: Any limitations or range specifics apply only to the original category, not to the display categories.
Price Logic: Pricing rules are applicable to the original category and do not extend to display categories.
Visibility of Category Groups: In a category group (navigation bar), a category will be visible only if it directly contains at least one product. Categories populated only through the Display Category feature will not be displayed.
Product Links and Breadcrumbs: Product links and breadcrumbs remain connected to the original categories.
Performance Impact: There may be a slight decrease in performance around the store's navigation and search functionalities.
Excel Import: The Display Category can be imported and set at the product level.
After having the feature enabled by Netset to make this available in your shop, follow these instructions to utilise the feature:
Navigate to the product editor in the Nettailer admin.
Alternatively, prepare your product data for Excel import. The template can be found here
In the admin panel, locate the option called "Display category".
Click the "Connect" button to assign a display category to the product, different from its original category.
Click "Save & close" to save your display category settings
In your Excel file, include a column specifically for Display Category.
Assign the desired display category to each product.
Import the file from the import section of the store at: Imports > Imports > Display category import
After assigning Display categories, review the site to ensure the products are displayed in both their original and Display categories.
Test the navigation to ensure that it reflects the new categorization without issues.
Monitor the site’s performance, particularly the navigation and search functionalities, for any noticeable changes.
Regularly update both the original and Display categories as needed.
Monitor the site for any performance issues and adjust if necessary.
By following these steps, you can effectively implement the Display Category feature in Nettailer, enhancing your product navigation and display capabilities while maintaining the integrity of the original categorization system. Remember to monitor the performance and make adjustments as needed for optimal functionality.
Focus assortments is a feature designed to enable shop owners to create a product assortment for individual customers and/or customer groups.
To create a focus assortment, navigate to the back office of your store – Products>Focus Assortments
From here, any pre-existing focus assortments will be listed and new focus assortments can be created by pressing the “Create Focus Assortment” button
Selecting the “Create Focus Assortment” button will bring up the below screen:
From here you have the option to name your focus assortment (with an easily recognisable label that is meaningful to you and your administrators). You can then determine the name of the focus assortment that is displayed in the front end of the shop visible to your stores end-users.
You can create a globally accessible focus assortment that is available to all customers across the store by selecting the “For all customers” option.
Selecting “Increased visibility” means that the focus assortment will be visible in menus, search filters and have symbols on products.
“Allow customers to edit this assortment,” allows end users to update an assortment. This needs to be enabled under the users’ settings. So, both this setting and the setting 'Allow update of focus assortments' belonging to the customer/user needs to be enabled.
Visible through URL means the focus assortment can be accessed directly by a URL (this will be generated once you “save” the focus assortment).
Saving your newly created focus assortment will open further options:
Once saved you can select the products you wish to attach to the assortment.
“Connect product” will allow you to manually search for part numbers and connect them to the assortment one by one:
“Connect product using excel” allows you to upload a list of multiple products that you want to add to an assortment:
From this screen you can download the necessary import template to populate with your products:
Required fields for the import are Part no and Manufacturer. You have the ability here to delete products as well, if you are updating a pre-existing focus assortment (dont forget to remove our example text in row 2).
Selecting “Full file import” will remove any existing connections if a product is not listed in the file and completely overwrite the current Focus Assortment.
If you just wish to amend an existing focus assortment, you can do this by just adding the new products (no need to list all products on the assortment) and deleting any you wish to remove, by adding a D in the delete column. Obviously in this scenario you will not use the “Full file import” setting.
“Check File” will check for any errors or issues with the file before you import it and once checked the file can then be uploaded to create / update your focus assortment by using the “import” button. Any errors on the file / products that will not be imported will be detailed as per the below example:
After connecting the products to a focus assortment, you also have the option to make the assortment customer connected:
From the “Connected customers and customer groups” tab you can connect an assortment to a specific customer or customer group, or multiple customers and customer groups.
This allows you to create an assortment using your own categories.
To create a focus assortment with your own categories, click on the “Create Agreement Categories” button.
Here you create your own category tree, divided into main and subcategories.
You can only connect your products to the subcategories.
Use this method to create a focus assortment that groups related products together, such as a printer and its associated toners.
By organising products in this way, customers will find it easier to locate and purchase related items, enhancing their shopping experience.
From here you can create your Main category and Subcategory headers. Connect a subcategory to a Main Category – this will act as a header and sub header in the front of the shop and you can now connect your products to the categories.
This will also allow you to filter via subcategory in the front end of the webshop by creating a custom focus assortment list as below:
This guide explains how to manage lists of products in the "Products" section. You can create new lists, edit existing ones, connect products to lists, and perform various other actions to efficiently organise and work with your product data.
1. Create a New List
Create a New List
Connect Products Individually
Connect Products via Excel Import
2. Edit an Existing List
Edit List Name
Delete List
Connect Products Individually
Connect Products via Excel Import
3. View Connected Features
Connected Objects
4. Additional Options
Export List Contents
Remove All Products
To create a new list of products, follow these steps:
From the "Products" section, select "List of Products."
Click on "Create" from the top of the screen.
In the "Label" field, give your new list a name.
Enable "Allow connections to multiple objects" if you want to use this list in multiple places. Leave it unchecked if you want to restrict this list from being used in more than one location.
Click "Save" to create the new list.
To connect products to the newly created list individually:
Click on "Connect a Product."
Search for the part number you want to connect.
Select the product from the search results to connect it.
To connect multiple products to the list using an Excel import:
Click on "Connect Products Using Excel."
Select your Excel document containing the products you want to connect (a template is available for download on this screen).
Choose "Full file import" if you want to replace the current list with this new file (optional)
Click "Check file" to validate the Excel data.
Click "Import" to connect the products.
To edit an existing list of products:
Select the pre-created list from the list by clicking on it.
To edit the name, click the "Edit" button.
Enable "Allow connections to multiple objects" if you want to use this list in multiple places. Leave it unchecked if you want to restrict this list from being used in more than one location.
To delete the list, click the "Delete" button.
To connect products to the newly created list individually:
Click on "Connect a Product."
Search for the part number you want to connect.
Select the product from the search results to connect it.
To connect multiple products to the list using an Excel import:
Click on "Connect Products Using Excel."
Select your Excel document containing the products you want to connect (a template is available for download on this screen).
Choose "Full file import" if you want to replace the current list with this new file (optional)
Click "Check file" to validate the Excel data.
Click "Import" to connect the products.
You can view which features your list is connected to from the "Connected Objects" tab. Lists can be simultaneously connected to the following features:
Image overlays
Product tabs
Additional product texts (add-on)
You can perform these additional actions on your lists:
Export: Export the contents of a List of Products using the "Export" button.
Remove All: Keep the list container and various connections active while removing all the products from the list using the "Remove All" button
Our Asset Inventory module helps your end-customer keep track of their IT equipment and other tools related to their organisation. This add-on will help them simplify the overview of the hardware, the life-cycle management, and their ability to run operations and earn profit. The end-user can track their assets, where they are, how much they cost, and more.
As Asset Inventory is an add-on with extra cost, you will need your sales representative to help you implement and set up the module.
It´s possible to set different permissions for the customer group/customer/users and it will be set to one of the following:
None - cannot view, create or update assets.
Read - can only view assets.
Update - can view, create and update assets.
There is a hierarchical permission precedence, see below. It goes from highest to lowest in precedence:
User > Customer > Customer group > Shop-settings
That is, permissions on the user will take precedence before the settings set on customer, customer group and shop-settings.
Shop default permission is changed under the Settings -> Miscellaneous.
After you set the permissions the user can access Asset Inventory through “Your account” in the front-end.
An asset can be created from a product by clicking the “Create asset” icon in the top right corner of the product card. The asset will be prefilled with the relevant data.
In the asset editor, the original product can be accessed by clicking the link in Product data -> Part number. And after that fill in the Master data and user data.
In checkout, the user can check the box “Receive an asset inventory reminder when the order is partially or fully delivered”, which means that a reminder will be sent to the user as a part of the delivery information. The mail contains a link to the order history and the user can add the product to the asset.
Or, the user can create an asset in order confirmation by clicking the “Add as asset” button. The asset will be prefilled with data in the different relevant fields.
A list of connected assets can be accessed by clicking the “Show connected assets” button under the order item. In the asset editor, the original product (an asset created in the webshop or as an order item) and the order can be accessed by clicking the link in Product data -> Part number and Product data -> Order number, respectively.
A blank asset can be created in the asset list, by clicking the “Add new asset” button. These assets will not have prefilled Product data. And will be needed to update the new asset with the necessary information manually.
In the asset editor, an asset can be copied by clicking the “Copy to new asset and close current” button. This will set the current asset’s status to “Terminated/Moved” and create a new “child” asset.
You can navigate between these assets by clicking the links in Master data -> Parent ID and Master data -> Child ID.
Opening the “Asset inventory” page will list all the customer’s assets. The displayed columns can be configured by clicking the cog icon in the top right corner.
Clicking the asset will take you to the editor page, where you can update or only view the asset depending on if you have update/read permissions.
The first tab, Master Data, will display general information about the asset.
The second tab, Product Data, will display information about the connected product. These fields will be prefilled if the asset is created from a product or an order item.
The final tab, User Data, displays information about its user. The fields displayed can be configured in Settings -> Form editor -> Asset inventory configurator.
In the checkout, the customer can opt-in to receive a reminder text.
Depending on your mail template setup, a reminder that an asset can be created will be included in the following mail templates:
Delivery Notification HTML template
When the order has the status of being partially delivered or fully delivered, the reminder text will be included in the mail.
For the mail to include the reminder text, it is important that {assetInventoryReminder} is added somewhere in the mail template bodies of the se.netset.order.Order.statusPartDelivered and/or se.netset.order.Order.statusDelivered.
If no custom changes have been made to the Delivery Notification HTML template, then it should work out of the box, otherwise, the template will need to handle the value of “AssetInventory/Reminder”. A tip is to take a look at the default template and see how “AssetInventory/Reminder” is used.
The “read more” link is only shown when the “Asset inventory info link” setting has been configured. The setting can be found under Settings -> Miscellaneous -> Asset Inventory.
If you want to link to a page in the shop, perhaps a custom page, set the following:
cms/link-to-cms If you want to link to another page, outside of the shop, make sure to include “https://” at the start. For example, giving the setting the value of https://www.netset.com will navigate the customer to the Netset site.
Alternative Products is a bolt-on feature that allows you to choose alternative products once an order has been placed.
For example a DEP or Carepack that has been attached to a device, will need to come from the same supplier as the device. The Administrator can now link the correct suppliers product to the order.
Firstly you will need a product that you wish to add alternatives to.
Go to Products>Products to create a new product or select an existing product.
Now select your product and navigate to the "Alternative Products" tab:
Click on connect product:
Enter the part number of the product you wish to connect and press filter. You can then click on the product to connect it as an alternative product.
Once you have set up your alternative products against a part number, you will then have additional options when a customer has placed and order. You can see these within the order editor.
Here you can now select your alternative product and save this by clicking apply.
When changing the product, the system will automatically update cost prices, margins, and supplier product information on the order line