The Purchase Order widget can show all recent purchase orders or just based on a chosen supplier. By configure the widget to show only purchase orders with error, you create a powerful tool to ensure follow up on purchases orders which require further action.
When using the filtering on Purchase order status = Error we recommend you also enable Purchase order cancelled = No. This combination will insure purchase orders cancelled is removed from the overview.
You can customize your personal dashboard by adding different widgets that can be easily customized with different parameters.
The dashboard opens automatically when the Nettailer administration module is opened, this can be changed for the individual administrator under Customers & users / Administrators.
Supplier status (show actual data import status for active suppliers)
Purchase orders (show purchase order with errors or others statuses)
Recent orders (Show new/unprocessed orders)
Order timeline (Graph with daily number of orders or order value last month)
Order status spread
Customers order value last month
Latest Nettailer news
The Supplier Status dashboard widget gives you an overview of all current suppliers in use and the status of their imports. We recommend that you regularly check that the files are being imported as they should.
Use the settings button to filter on relevant parameters
OK = Imports have run successfully Exception = Imports have failed Old = Imports are older than 72h
Imports do not necessarily update over weekends and holidays. This vary dependent on each supplier.
Orange = Imports have not been updated in 48h Red = Imports have not been updated in 72h