Here you will find settings for HTML email in general and also more specific parts such as order confirmations and product monitoring emails sent from the shop. You can customize captions, colors, fonts and add your logo.
To access HTML email navigate using the admin menu: Email>HTML email
Here you will have access to the below tabs:
These settings apply to all HTML emails sent from the shop.
Here you can set the header and footer text for the email along with selecting the font and colours contained within the email.
You can also upload your company logo to be displayed on the email.
By default, order confirmation is sent out as regular text e-mail which you will find under e-mail templates and label "orderconf". When you enable this feature for HTML, by clicking in the active box, this over-writes the regular text email and this version of HTML email will be used instead.
You can preview your current settings by entering a relevant order number and your own email address at the bottom of the page. Then click on the "Send" button. If you do not use this function, the order confirmations will be sent to the customer in text format.
You can easily add additional terms under "Terms and Conditions - PDF" which is attached to the order confirmation.
Here you can select the email subject and content for your delivery confirmation emails and add additional styling if required using the XSL file upload (it is recommended you speak to Netset if you wish to add your own styling as it may cause issues with some of the other email functionality).
You can also select additional product information to show including product forms and product ID
Here you can select the email subject and content for your delivery confirmation emails and add additional styling if required using the XSL file upload (it is recommended you speak to Netset if you wish to add your own styling as it may cause issues with some of the other email functionality).
You can also select additional product information to show including product forms and product ID
These settings apply to all HTML emails sent from the shop.
Here you can select the subject and content of your product notification emails and add additional styling if required.
Approval email notification settings are determined using this tab including the email subject and content.
Additional styling can be added using the XSL file upload. The product content displayed will be determined by the "Order Confirmation" settings.
With this function, it's possible for you to edit the mail template for a customer.