This section is where you can add non product related additional content to your quotes.
Nettailer provides you with a coded template that allows you to drop your own information in, such as: Contact details, logo, terms and more...
What It Does
This is the heading you want to appear as the start content after the addresses and logos. for example you may have a heading of "Your Quote"
Body 1, 2 & 3
These are the fields you enter your content into. Each of these fields act as separate paragraph, this is useful to display your content into a more manageable and readable format.These body fields all appear above any product information.
Footer 1 & 2
These fields are for any content you want to appear under the product information. For example your contact details or a disclaimer. Each of these fields act as separate paragraph.
Email Message
This field is for the message you want to appear on the email that the quote is attached to. This can be used for example to thank the customer for requesting the quote and telling them there is a quote attached.
You can edit the template and add your branding, however you cannot adapt the layout as this is set to pull in CNet product content.
You can see all the quotes you have created and its status. Note that the quote tool is an additional feature
Preview the PDF - To view the PDF that was sent to the customer, click here. Log in as a customer - If you want to log in as a customer, click here. XML - Clicking on the red XML link will export all quotes as XML displayed on the page. If you click on the black XML link, you will only receive that quote in XML format.
You will only see this if you are subscribed to the "Quote tool" feature
Here you can view a list of all the quotes that have been made on the system. It is also where you may preview each quote in a PDF format or convert the quote into an order.
Keep in mind that the "Show Quotation Requests in Cart" setting must be enabled.
Here you can see all the quotes that have been requested in your store. When you first open this option, you will see a table showing a list of the quote IDs, the customer name, address, and the date the quote was requested.
By clicking on an entry in this list, you will then get all this information in more detail and all the products the customer has requested a quote on.