Extrinsic fields - ADD-ON


Extrinsic fields (reseller created fields) on the order header and line level include support for customer default values.

Extrinsic fields can be connected to product forms (extra option) at the order line level.

Extrinsic fields are included in the sales order XML.

With fixed classifications, you can manage specialized processes such as Apple ADE or Samsung Knox, where data will be included in the purchase order (XML).

See below list for available classifications and supported suppliers.

Setting up new extrinsic fields

Access using the admin menu and navigate to: Settings>Extrinsic fields

To set up a new country, press the create button.

Validation - Any values entered into this extrinsic field will be checked against the regular expression entered here. Any values that does not match will alert the user with the error message entered in this section.

Connect customer or customer group to extrinsic field

Last updated


Netset AB | +46 (0)40 20 88 00 | support@netset.com

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