Payment Option Groups

This section allows the creation of payment option groups. This is where you create a group that may later be connected to a payment type and then linked to a specific customer or customer group.


What it does


Here you can name your payment group, for example "Financing".


Specify the order in which the group is to be presented. The lower the number, the higher the group is presented.

Information on the left

If you wish to provide any information regarding all payment options in the group, you can do so here. The information is shown on the left side.

Information on the right

If you wish to provide any information regarding all payment options in the group, you can do so here. The information is shown to the right.


You can upload a logo that represents the payment options. We recommend that it is no more than 100px wide.


For example, if you want create three payment groups; Card payment, Invoice and Financing then you create thoose here. Therafter you connect the alternatives that should be presented to respective payment method.

Last updated