Nettailer release 24.0


Release Notes

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Improve Purchase Order Admin

Introduces the capability to label purchase orders as "Canceled at supplier" and include internal comments within purchase orders. It's important to note that this action does not cancel the purchase within the supplier's system, which must still be carried out manually.

Additionally, this update modifies permissions related to the deletion of purchase orders, restricting the ability to delete them to Netset administrators exclusively.

Show Connected Promotions In First Page Sections

This update enables the editing and viewing of connected promotion items directly within the promotion section... Users no longer need to navigate to the promotion item editor to view, edit, create, or connect promotions to a promotion section.

First Page Sections - News

This feature introduces a new front-page section type, allowing users to create engaging sections with images, text, and links to information or promotions of their choice.

Additional feature

CMS Based Splash Page (an enhancement to “Splash Page”)

Nettailer introduces an update to the “Splash Page” feature (available as an Add-on), which adds the ability to create and customize a standalone CMS page called "Splash page." This Splash page feature allows retailers to create visually appealing splash pages for their online stores. With this enhancement, users can use a WYSIWYG editor to design the page without the shop header, menu, or other extraneous elements. This feature enhances the retailer's ability to make a strong first impression on their customers and can be a valuable addition to their online store's offerings.

Use distributor comment

When forwarding orders to compatible suppliers, that incorporate supplier comments, we now include these comments within the XML file. If a purchase order contains supplier comments, the system will automatically set the AutoRelease status to "No" for that order.

Dynamic HTML First page section

The new section type empowers administrators to define the HTML content to be displayed within the section. Additionally, it introduces dynamic HTML parameters, enabling elements such as the user's name and the salesperson's image to be seamlessly incorporated into the section.

Within the new section, the available Dynamic HTML parameters are listed. If used in the input HTML they will dynamically pull information attached to the relevant area.

Product Data Override

Once activated, this feature introduces a new Excel import functionality along with two new data fields within the product editor. These fields are designed to accept user-defined part numbers and manufacturers. During the Product Data Integration (PDI) imports, these provided part numbers and manufacturer details will supersede the existing values associated with the respective products.

Sales Team Front Page Section (Enhancement to “Sales team”)

This feature introduces a new front page section element called "sales team". This section is dedicated to showcasing the relevant sales team members along with their contact details, providing customers with visually appealing easy access to this information as soon as they log into the store. It is only available if you have the “Sales team” feature enabled.

Basket Take Over From Previous Session

We have introduced a feature that enables users to resume (or take over) their previous session's shopping basket. This functionality can be activated on a per-customer basis, providing greater flexibility and convenience.

Minor Adjustments

Add Search Filter "Designed For"

We have made an…Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Reload the Page On Language Swap

We have improved the language-swapping functionality. Now, when users switch languages while on a product page, the system will reload that specific page instead of returning them to the first page. This enhancement enhances the overall user experience and saves time navigating the website.

Change Select Help Text

The help text for the select box in the product form editor has been updated for clarity and improved user guidance.

Orderline Product Focus Assortment Info

In the admin section, a new column with an alert/info icon has been added to orderlines. When you hover the mouse over this icon, a list of all focus assortments that the product is part of, including both AgreementAssortment and AgreementCategory connections, will be displayed. This feature provides additional information and context for products within orderlines.

Product Tags - Elastic Search Filtering

Previously, product tags were static and not affected by other filtering options such as categories or manufacturers. This meant that filtering product tags didn't change the results in categories that didn't include products with tags. However, we have now made product tags dependent on ElasticSearch, making them dynamically filtered similar to other criteria like manufacturers. This improvement ensures that product tags accurately reflect the filtered results, providing a more efficient and accurate way to search and filter products based on tags.

Add List Of Products To Focus Assortment

The focus assortment feature is now supporting the “List of products”.

Remove Force Password Reset Methods

Previously, a user with a locked password could reset their password using the activation mail. However, this behaviour has changed, and now the admin must unlock the user before they can reset their password. The activation mail is also using passwordReset objects to properly mark it as used or outdated.

Last updated