Nettailer release 24.1


Release Notes

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Price Logic Customer Connect With Excel

In addition to our traditional method of individually connecting customers, we've introduced a new feature that allows you to connect multiple customers to existing price logic using an Excel file. Now, when you create a price logic and designate it as customer-connected, you'll find the option to "Connect customers using Excel."

Minor Adjustments

Focus assortment updates

We've introduced new settings for focus assortment, allowing users to hide subcategories in the front-end view and only display labels. Additionally, we've implemented sorting functionality, enabling users to arrange multiple assortments for a customer in the preferred order of appearance.

Auto Focus In Admin

We've implemented auto-focus on the most common search field or input across 40 different admin pages. Now, when navigating to these pages either manually or via shortcuts, the most commonly used search field will be preselected, streamlining the user experience by eliminating the need to click or select it manually.

Connect Customer Segments Update

Now you can connect the customer/customer group to a customer segment directly from the customer editor.

Cc For Order Confirmation

A new field in the field editor, 'CC for order confirmation' for sending extra order confirmation to the address entered in checkout.

1WS Image Flag Retailer Editable

Now you can override 1ws images on specific products if you have your own images you want to show.

Multi-File Upload Support

We now support multiple file uploads. Uploading files in settings is now done in FileView instead of FileEditor. Multiple files can be added and removed. Files are now also displayed in order of id-desc (newest first) to get feedback on upload.

Add Calculated Purchase Price To Order Xml

There's a new tag "CalculatedPurchasePrice", that shows one of the following prices: - Overriden purchase price - Registered purchase price - Chosen purchase price - Supplier price , in that order.

Supplier Import Templates Render In Application

Render supplier import templates in the admin interface to combat issues with imports using wrong or incomplete templates. Templates are rendered using a new Element that takes the relevant columns for the import. The columns are specified in each import class. Imports that have config fields for active columns only render the columns activated in the config. Unused template-files are removed.

Add Mail 2fa for CMS Splash page

Breaking change: Requires update of Front page sections using CMS-pages as login. Each front page section using CMS will need to remove and re-add the login form component to update fields. Adds mail two factor functionality. The feature supports using mail two factor for all UserAccounts. If two-factor is active a user will get a choice of which two factor method to use when logging in for the first time, TOTP or mail authentication. When a user logs in with mail two factor active a mail with a one-time password is sent to the users registered mail. Users can reset their two factor authentication and choose other available options. This is session- and time-dependent for security reasons.

Set default Invoice Reference with SSO claim

Support for customers to send a claim from their AD with default invoice reference information, setting this automatically for users being created or updated when logging in via SSO.

Headings To Quick Search

New headings for Quick Search so users can tell what is a suggested category, suggested search term or suggested product. We have also switched places for categories and search completion.

Fixedpricelist - Search Option

We have added search option for customerNo and artNo in FixedPriceList view.

Quotation Publish Limit

Now there's an Admin setting for the right to publish quotations, along with a value limit.

Last updated