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The supplier section provides you with statistical information regarding the feed / feeds provided within you system. To view this information you can click “Statistics” to bring up the content table on how many suppliers are currently in the store, the stock levels, and categorised products containing 1WorldSync data.
You can click on "Statistics" of you want to see how many products each supplier sends to your Nettailer, if they are categorised, have 1WorldSync information and how many the supplier have in stock.
Here you can configure the supplier details for products you add to the store. Essetially setting yourself up as one of the suppliers in the shop. This is required for products you add or import manually in order for you to identify and process orders internally.
More information is available in the tables below for completing these fields.
This feature needs to be enabled by Netset. Please create a task in Project Database (PDB) for further assistance.
With this function, you have the ability to create your own distributors on the reseller level. You can configure the loading of availability and price data through FTP. And it´s possible to push orders to the distributors you need to enter a recipient and a sender. The feature does not include any delivery information or other functions as with a full supplier integration.
The addon gives you the ability to add multiple suppliers and multiple FTP file collections.
Navigate to the "supplier" area of the store administration menu: Products > Suppliers
When enabled the option to create a new supplier is available and the details for the supplier can be populated as per the field descriptions below:
What it does
The name of the supplier.
Export Id
The suppliers ID is of interest when communicating with other systems.
Weight type
Specify the type of weight used by the supplier. Net weight is exclusive of packaging, manuals, etc.
Product removal delay (days)
Give you the option to specify how many days a product may remain in the store if no longer in the upload.
What it does
Customer number
Your customer number for the supplier.
E-mail, to
E-mail, from
Include product form data in order mail
Allows product form data to be included (if present) in order submission.
Use HTML email
Sends the order via HTLM email
Xsl file
If not sent via HTML email orders will be submitted using this Xsl file structure (Netset's standard file structure is included by default, this tool does allow custom XSL to be uploaded)
After saving the new supplier additional tab and options will be available:
This allows for the options of:
the supplier or the supliers products to be deleted (via 2 new buttons)
an "imports" section (on a new tab)
The import tab gives you the ability to set up an FTP file pick up from a specified location (automatically), a web service or you can manually add a "product" "bids" and/or "bid prices" file by completeing the "download template" and adding the file.
It is worth nothing that a file will only be uploaded automatically if a change to the file has been detected from the most recent import (e.g. file size or timestamp has is different).
Additional information on the imports fields can be found in the table below:
Use headers
Check this if your import files uses headers. Checking this will skip importing the first row.
Use quote separator on text columns
If your import file wraps text columns in quote ("), check this option.
Import categories
The import will try to import categories when the last two columns are filled in with category codes.
Add a fixed percent to each product cost price before importing.
Only import existing products
Only import products that exists from other distributors that has this setting unchecked.
What it does
Set a unique identifier to authenticate requests.
Auto-generated endpoint URL including the key.
Set a password for web service.
Make a POST requested with JSON format:
The file should be a tab delimited text file, with headers on the first row. To speed up the transfer it should also be zipped, in which case it should have the file extension .zip.
For the stock file only the columns "SKU" and "Quantity" should be included. In the price file, you should not include the Quantity column. The manual import as well as the price and stock file should include all necessary columns. Category columns are optional and are dependant on the "import categories" supplier import setting.
NOTE: Any products not in the file will be automatically deleted! The category of an existing product can only be updated if the product is uncategorized or if the product is only bound to the retailer in question.
SKU - The distributor's part number
Part no - The manufacturer's part number
Manufacturer - The manufacturer name This should match the name of the manufacturer in the store.
Description - Description of the product
Price - The cost price of the product.
Quantity - The current stock.
Weight - Weight in kilograms.
EAN - EAN/UPC code
Condition - 0 = new, 10 = refurbished and 20 = used.
Cat1 - The products category code for main category.
Cat2 - The products category code for sub category.
Min sales qty - The minimum sales quantity
The order update will use the same transport as selected for assortment import.
The format is XML and supports batch updates of multiple orders.