Lists of Products - LOP

This guide explains how to manage lists of products in the "Products" section. You can create new lists, edit existing ones, connect products to lists, and perform various other actions to efficiently organise and work with your product data.

Table of contents

1. Create a New List

  • Create a New List

  • Connect Products Individually

  • Connect Products via Excel Import

2. Edit an Existing List

  • Edit List Name

  • Delete List

  • Connect Products Individually

  • Connect Products via Excel Import

3. View Connected Features

  • Connected Objects

4. Additional Options

  • Export List Contents

  • Remove All Products

1. Create a New List

To create a new list of products, follow these steps:

  • From the "Products" section, select "List of Products."

  • Click on "Create" from the top of the screen.

  • In the "Label" field, give your new list a name.

  • Enable "Allow connections to multiple objects" if you want to use this list in multiple places. Leave it unchecked if you want to restrict this list from being used in more than one location.

  • Click "Save" to create the new list.

Connect Products Individually

To connect products to the newly created list individually:

  • Click on "Connect a Product."

  • Search for the part number you want to connect.

  • Select the product from the search results to connect it.

Connect Products via Excel Import

To connect multiple products to the list using an Excel import:

  • Click on "Connect Products Using Excel."

  • Select your Excel document containing the products you want to connect (a template is available for download on this screen).

  • Choose "Full file import" if you want to replace the current list with this new file (optional)

  • Click "Check file" to validate the Excel data.

  • Click "Import" to connect the products.

2. Edit an Existing List

To edit an existing list of products:

  • Select the pre-created list from the list by clicking on it.

  • To edit the name, click the "Edit" button.

  • Enable "Allow connections to multiple objects" if you want to use this list in multiple places. Leave it unchecked if you want to restrict this list from being used in more than one location.

  • To delete the list, click the "Delete" button.

Connect Products Individually

To connect products to the newly created list individually:

  • Click on "Connect a Product."

  • Search for the part number you want to connect.

  • Select the product from the search results to connect it.

Connect Products via Excel Import

To connect multiple products to the list using an Excel import:

  • Click on "Connect Products Using Excel."

  • Select your Excel document containing the products you want to connect (a template is available for download on this screen).

  • Choose "Full file import" if you want to replace the current list with this new file (optional)

  • Click "Check file" to validate the Excel data.

  • Click "Import" to connect the products.

3. View Connected Features

You can view which features your list is connected to from the "Connected Objects" tab. Lists can be simultaneously connected to the following features:

  • Image overlays

  • Product tabs

  • Additional product texts (add-on)

4. Additional Options

You can perform these additional actions on your lists:

  • Export: Export the contents of a List of Products using the "Export" button.

  • Remove All: Keep the list container and various connections active while removing all the products from the list using the "Remove All" button

Last updated


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