
The products section allows you to browse details of all products from your feeds and gives you the ability to create & modify custom products.

Edit product

For products imported from supplier, the editing options are limited but there are some changes you can make. Find your product and click it to open up. You then have two choices - Edit (Opens the product for editing) or Show product in store (Takes you directly to the product in your web store).

Click Edit.

You can add product description and internal notes here. You can also upload more pictures, price and setting for whether the product should be free of shipping and more. If the product lacks a category, you also have the opportunity to categorize it.

At the bottom you will see these tabs;

Supplier extensions

The first tab on product level is "Supplier extensions". Here you will find the latest imported price data for the product. This function is useful when you need to know how the price have changed over a period of time or when you are looking for a faulty price.


In the shop the accessories are listed under the tab "accessories" on the product card. click on "Connect product" and search for a product you want to connect and click on it. Generally, accessories are based on data from 1WorldSync and the connection will be done automatically. The product you add manually will be added to those added by 1WorldSync. You also have an option to add recommended accessories which will add them to the top of the list of accessories in a tab called recommended.

To remove a connection; click on the row you wish to remove and then "Delete".

Connected customers and customer groups

Here you can connect customers and/or customer groups to the product. If the product is connected to a customer or a customer group it will only be visible to those customers/customer groups.


Here you can see the search attributs for the product, coming from 1WorldSync. This could be of interest if you have a StandAlone solution with a global level and want to laborate with the shop's filters.

Create or Edit custom product

Fields with an asterisk* are mandatory. Products cannot be created unless these fields contain data.


Replacement Product Info

Promote a replacement or upgrade product directly on the product page.



Here you can add images to the product.


The spec tab allows you to create the technical specification for a product in a table. “Just click Add & fill in the values”.

You can choose to hide lines by deselecting ‘Active’; however lines can also be sorted by adjusting the 'Sorting'. (Lower numbers will appear at the top of the list).

Supplier extensions

This lists all the suppliers that supply this product to your store.

Clicking on any of these lines will display the product log against the supplier selected.


Use these feature to Add/View/Remove accessories to this product

Connected customers and customer groups

Use these feature to Add/View/Remove connections to specific Customers/Customer groups to this product

Alternative Products

This allows you to create certain products that can have alternatives which are selectable by your administrators when a customer order is received in the order configurator of your store.

For more information please see our how to guide

Display Categories ADD-ON

With this add-on, you will have the ability to specify additional categories where product should also be listed.

This means that the product will remain in the category set by the portal, but will also be displayed in the category you have specified.

Display categories don’t have any business logic impact.

For more information please see our how to guide


Used to Add/View/Remove documents to a product. These files may then be downloaded directly by the client from the Product pages in the store.

Last updated


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