
The “Imports” section allows you to import data into your store. This can be utilized to save time when bulk uploads are required – for example uploading multiple customers or product into your shop.

How to create an import

To navigate to the imports section go to “Imports>Imports” and you will see the above screen

From here you can select the type of import you would like to create from the drop down menu.

This menu specifies all the import types that are available to your store.

By selecting an option, you will then be able to see a new screen with the various import options available for that selection.

Using the product import as an example below, you can see the options available:

Every import will have a “save import” option which lets you configure a recurring import via FTP. When the file is updated on the FTP, it will be scheduled for import in the shop.

Every import will also have a template that is specific to that type of import. This is the template you will need to populate to build your import file.

Clicking the template will take you to a zip file containing:

  1. A text how to guide – with instructions on how to complete the template

  2. An example template – with pre-populated dummy data

  3. The template itself

Mandatory fields within the template are indicated by an asterisk and the text guide will advise how to correctly populate data required for a specific upload.

You now have the option to determine the type of file from the available drop down options (excel or text).

“Keep current” is specific to a product import and is explained in more detail on the downloaded guide. Selecting these options means that a new uploads will not overwrite any pre-existing data for those particular fields but will instead keep the current data (this works where in this example, the products already exist in the store and are not brand-new unknown products to the store).

Uploading your import

Once you have completed your import template, you can then attach it to the “file” section

Once the file is attached, press the “import” button and the file will then be scheduled to be imported.

Persistent imports

This tab will detail any imports that occur automatically into your store via an FTP collection (for example a product or Price level – once the file is updated on the FTP the store will collect the / updated data and a record of this will be logged under persistent imports).

Import logs

This will detail all imports and the types of imports that have been uploaded into the store via a template upload. This will also indicate the status of each import and whether it has been successfully completed.

Last updated


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